About us

To Display the Love and Hope of Christ. A place where Love and Hope Intersect.

Theme Scripture
1 Corinthians 13:13 – “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

To Re Engage the Community; To Provide a Sense of Hope and Optimism.

Our Pastor
Rev. Dr. Maurice A. Mimms, Sr
Dr. Maurice A. Mimms, Sr. is an Ordained Pastor. He is married to the former Pamela Frederick of Pennsauken, New Jersey. Together they have two wonderful children, Maurice Jr. and Christiana, both college graduates. The Lord Jesus Christ saved and baptized Dr. Mimms at an early age. He received his Calling to ministry while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States. He noticed that Service Members were not being fed the Word of God, so he volunteered as an unofficial Military Chaplain. He has conducted Chapel services for over 30 years.
Dr. Mimms joined Browns Mills Baptist Church, April 1, 2023. Since joining, he has focused on “Listening and Praying” for members of the Church and the Pemberton/Browns Mills/Fort Dix community. His first initiative was the church campus beautification project, to outwardly display the love and care of Christ. He has brought a renewed focus on evangelism and community reengagement.
From 2018 to 2022, Dr. Mimms served as the Interim Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church of Belmar Beach, NJ, where, In Jesus’ Name, 25 souls were saved and 10 baptized. He led two $50, 000 Capital Campaigns, funding a new roof, Fellowship Hall repairs, Parsonage repairs, and new outside steps. The church grew from 18 to 38 members.
Work in the ministry
Dr. Mimms was an Associate Pastor for 13 years at Alpha Baptist Church in Willingboro, NJ, where the Rev. Dr. Danny E. Scotton, Sr. is Senior Pastor. At Alpha, he has served as the Assistant Pastoral Leader of the Connections Ministry, which includes the Evangelism Team, Men’s Ministry, The College Connection, and the Prison Ministry.
Dr. Mimms is an Army Veteran and will retire with 39 years of service in January 2024. He holds the rank of Command Sergeant Major. He currently works as a Fellow at the Department of Defense. He counts it an honor and joy to serve God’s people, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST! Amen.
Faithful Servants
Church Activities

Pastor Mimms and Lady Pamela

BMBC Collaboration with Community leaders

Senior Saints of BMBC Receiving Flowers for their Faithful Years of Service

Baptism Sunday

Baptism #1

Baptism #2

Partnering with Scout Troop 145b & The Sons of The American Legion

BMBC Missionary Workers

Feeding The Homeless #1

Feeding The Homeless #2

Feeding The Homeless #3

New Family Receiving Salvation in Christ
Matthew 14:13-21, tells the story of Jesus feeding the 5000, with 2 Fish and 5 loaves of bread. Jesus is a miracle maker.
In this season of Lent, Jesus is not asking you to be a miracle maker, but to see, “Who is not at Jesus Table?” Who around you is not happy? Who seems discouraged? Who is distressed? Who has disappeared?
Take this season of Lent and be sensitive to those in need around you, and as “Jesus was moved with compassion,” He is asking the same of you…
In Jesus Name, Amen.
God Bless You,
All about us
Men’s Ministry
Building up men to “Take their place”
Women’s Ministry
Veterans Ministry
Music Ministry
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Worship with us on Sunday Mornings at 11am